

Not To Scale have just cracked the formula for letting the world know about the new painkiller, Nuromol. Working with creatives Pete Bradly and Alex Hinge atEuro RSCG, Directors National TV helped develop the concept of a huge fantasy laboratory made out of chemical formulas and oversized lab type props, helping to suggest the mammoth taskthat was undertaken by Reckitt & Benckiser's scientists to develop the product.


In the world of science and invention we see giant chemical formulas, blackboards, bubbling liquids,reference books, plasma balls, calendars and clocks all helping to impart the scale of thehuge undertaking involved in developing this product which took nine years of testing anddevelopment to bring to market.

We see the Scientists age, almost before our eyes, growing long beards as they focus single mindedly on cracking the task at hand. Shot against a green screen by Tim Maurice-Jones using motion-control over two days at Black Island in West London, the CG world and Nuro character who takes us through the script, were then animated and composited by the National TV team in breathtaking speed delivering the finished film just two exhausting weeks after the shoot took place.

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