Deutsche Telekom - Campaign

Deutsche Telekom -Luca&Sinem
Director & Agency

We are very proud to bring to life the very first campaign for adam&eveDDB's German office. It is a multi-technique extravaganza in a real, live action environment.

The MagentaMobil street isn’t like any other street – it’s one full of surprises and eccentricities yet one that’s familiar and recognisable as a real German Street. The idiosyncratic characters range from an Oaf and his family to his Porcelain family neighbours and the 2d, 3d and stop motion characters that also live there. They represent how uniquely different and diverse we can all be, but we can still share connectivity with MagentaMobil tariff.

Early Sketches
Mr Oaf
Early Sketches
Oaf Family - Son
Early Sketches
Mrs Oaf
Early Sketches
Oaf Family - Daughter
Mr Porcelain
Early Sketches
Porcelain Family
Early Blocking
Porcelain Developent
“Working in across a mixture of animation techniques such as 3D, 2D, Stop Motion and VFX meant always having to keep one eye on the overall creative vision, whilst the other managed the various stages and decisions that needed to be made with multiple animation teams working on completely different and yet concurrent pipelines. For example, the manner in which a character is animated in 2D should be matched in 3D, and also on the stop motion shoot, as well as tying together the colour palette and lighting so that the film has a harmonious look. We love this imaginative way of working and relished the challenge that adam&eve DDB set us”

Check out the next two spots of the Deutsche Telekom campaign, Grandpa & Class Trip.

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